It takes a Community to Protect Our Precious Natural Resources

As a non-profit organization formed to oversee the well-being of natural resource, Lake Osakis, we work with several individuals, organizations, and public entities. One of our goals is to be an active public resource for lakeshore owners, residents, and visitors seeking to enjoy Lake Osakis. We encourage you to contact us or any of the below resources when it comes to questions or concerns about Lake Osakis or any other area source.

OLA Donation Proceeds

Osakis Lake Association Board Meetings

Meetings are held the Third Monday of each month  6:00 pm (CST) at the Osakis Pub.  The first 15 minutes of every meeting is open to the Osakis Lake Association members for comment and questions.

Lakeshore Resources

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN-DNR)

  • Conservation Officer Znajda: 320-766-3998
  • Glenwood Fisheries Office: 320-634-7321
  • Turn in Poachers Hotline: 1-800-652-9093

Todd County

  • Commissioner Randy Neuman: 320-859-5970
  • Soil & Water, Planning & Zoning: 320-732-2644
  • Ditch/ Agriculture Inspector: 320-533-4651

Osakis Lake Association Board Meetings

Meetings are held the Third Monday of each month  6:00 pm (CST) at the Osakis Pub.  The first 15 minutes of every meeting is open to the public for comment and questions.

Douglas County

  • Commissioner Jerry Rapp: 320-852-6999
  • Land & Resource Management: 320-762-3863
  • Ditch/ Agriculture Inspector: 320-352-2231

Other Resources