Actively Taking Part in Projects that Promote the Conservation & Successful Future of Lake Osakis

Black and white image of Lake Osakis in 1950.
A few of our volunteers
OLA members volunteering at Taste of Osakis
OLA members volunteering at Taste of Osakis

Throughout the year the Osakis Lake Association, with the endorsement and support of various agencies, groups, and volunteers, has accomplished and been an active partner on many projects. Donating our time, talents, and often nominal resources, the OLA has assisted with the following projects, and will continue to be involved whenever possible.

2024 Annual Meeting

2023 Annual Meeting

2022 Annual Meeting

2021 Annual Meeting

Dedicated To The Preservation of Lake Osakis

Clifford & Faille Alum Treatment Project

This project assisted with improving Lake Osakis’ water quality by removing phosphorus from surrounding tributary lakes.

2007-2009 Curly-Leaf Pondweed Pilot Project

The OLA assisted in raising $100,000 in three years to help control and prevent further growth of invasive curly-leaf pondweed

Walleye Raffle Stocking Program

Through on-going support from the OLA and other agencies, over 45,000 walleye fingerlings have been stocked form the raffle’s proceeds.

Bog Management

Osakis Lake Association Volunteers have assisted property owners with Bog Management to reduce personal property damage and maintain wildlife habitat.

Managing Water Level

Osakis Lake Association has a work in progress (feasibility study) to identify methods to better manage water levels. This project requires collaboration with many entities including DNR, SRWD, as well as Douglas, Todd, and Stearns County.

Curly Leaf Pondweed

OLA facilitates and funds Curlyleaf Pondweed (CLP) control measures on Lake Osakis. Funding and DNR permitting are limiting factors.  Each year surveys are completed to determine treatment needs.  In future years more extensive management of CLP are being planned as well as fund raising efforts to reduce algae and improve water quality.